Reconnect to your soul

Here you get to explore the vastness of your multidimensional self.


Your gifts, your energy, your soul purpose


Your emotions, your shadows, your trauma.

Tuning into…

More rest, more play, more joy, more freedom.

All within the unconditional love and trust of this space.

You are so deeply worthy of all that you wish for.

This is the path to expand beyond your wildest dreams.

Welcome to your spiritual journey.

The magic begins now.


Thank you for listening to the whispers of your soul.

More expansion, more freedom, more healing, more soul alignment.

You are tired of the grind, sacrificing your needs and desires to the never-ending pressures of the outside world.

Feeling like the world you are surrounded with isn’t aligned with your core values and your deepest needs.

You want to live a life of purpose, yet feel stuck, blocked and overwhelmed every time you explore.

You have tried ALL the self-help books, podcasts, even coaches and programs, and feel even more burned out trying to do it all.

You are constantly triggered by your job, your family situation, or your friends or mentors, and wonder when will you get to live the life you know you can create.

The soul pain triggered by all of this can be overwhelming, especially for an empathic, sensitive old soul like you, who has experienced it all.

Dear soul friend, if you are here, you are ready for more.

My story and why I created this space for you

Thank you for trusting your inner knowing

Rediscover your soul magic

I feel you deeply, having walked your path.

My offerings are designed to serve you at a mind, body and soul level. For this is how we heal, and this is how we grow as soul beings.

Experience your soul energy

Reconnecting and experiencing your true, soul self shines a light on your gifts and purpose that have been waiting to be activated, and brings love to the shadow parts you have ignored, shamed or mistrusted for so long.

Feel your deepest emotions

As souls having a human experience, we are designed to feel deeply. But conditioning and trauma can hold us back. Feeling your emotions in a safe container helps you clear old, stuck energy, reconnects you to your body and alchemizes your most painful experiences into soul wisdom.

Reconnect and trust your body

Body-based or somatic approaches in healing can bring deep integration across our subconscious parts and carryover energies from past lives, well beyond what the mind can experience through logic. There is so much intuitive wisdom that resides in our chakras/energy centers, our nervous system and fascia that is being understood more and more.

Build your energetic self care practice

Science, religion, and spirituality are converging around the concept of energy. The more we understand the unseen forces that govern our experiences as energetic beings, the more easily our life can flow and the more quickly we can connect with peace, joy and love.

These are energies that are always around us, even in the most difficult of times. It is a spiritual practice to let go, trust, ask and receive these energies and learn to bring your power back home to your energy body.

Tune into the magic all around from a soul perspective

Tuning into your soul energy helps you see your life from a spiritual plane.

It can activate your intuitive and energetic gifts, which we all have, and reconnect you with your spirit guides who are always around, waiting for you to share the energetic reins of your dreams and challenges with them.

This soul perspective helps you witness the wisdom and the lessons interwoven into every life experience you have chosen, while experiencing the magic of it all in your current physical form.

Spark your spiritual journey

Akashic Record Reading
(75 min, plan for 90 min)

In an Akashic Record reading, I connect to your spirit guides within the Akashic Records, an energetic database that holds information about the past, present and future possibilities of all souls.

The Akashic Records houses a beautiful 5d energy field of unconditional love within which you can receive so much healing and the words that your soul wants you to receive right now.

You can expect to receive:

  • A short meditation and breathwork experience

  • Channeled messages on a key theme in your life - based on questions you have and/or what wants to be known to you at this time - along with practical tips

  • Deep soul healing, activation, and acceleration

  • A written automated transcript / video and audio recording

Past Life Reading
(75 min, plan for 90 min)

In an Akashic Record past lives reading, I connect to your spirit guides within the Akashic Records with the intention to connect to a relevant past life and help move any blocks or unlock any gifts that can support you now in this lifetime.

In my opinion and personal experience, many difficult experiences and repeating patterns in our lives have a root energy from our trapped emotions (trauma) from childhood and in-utero. And these are experiences we may have chosen as a soul, to recreate the energy we wish to clear from past lives (karma). Often soul-level healing and somatic or body-based emotional healing are the missing links to solutions to our recurring issues (physical, mental, career, family and more) in our lives.

You can expect to receive:

  • A short meditation and breathwork experience

  • Channeled messages about relevant past lives that your guides want to share

  • Deep soul healing around past life wounds

  • Knowledge and activation of past life gifts

  • A written automated transcript / recording

Human Design Reading
(75 min, plan for 90 min)

In a Human Design reading, I review and energetically connect with your Human Design chart, a visualized map of your energy body that you chose for this lifetime, determined by your birth date and time. Human Design is the astrology of the future that can help you understand how your unique energy is designed to flow.

In my experience, this information can help you release decades of societal conditioning and help you tune into your core essence, along with practical information on your gifts and your likely areas of conditioning and how to best navigate it.

You can expect to receive:

  • A short grounding practice

  • An energetic understanding of your energy type, your strategy and authority, profile, your gifts and areas of conditioning

  • A written automated transcript / video and audio recording

All readings available by email too! (30 min)

Yes! You can receive any reading via email! This is a short and sweet no-contact session. A great way to either dip your toes into an Akashic Record reading or receive answers to a targeted question or theme in your life through your past lives, Human Design or Astrology - you get to choose!

In a recorded reading, I will do a short grounding practice and channel messages in a audio recording.

You can expect to receive:

  • Channeled messages on a key theme in your life - based on 1-2 questions you submitted and what wants to be known to you at this time - via audio recording / transcript

  • Deep energy healing, activation, and acceleration (yes, this can come through a recording as well)

Group Akashic Record Readings, Guided Meditations and Custom Teaching Workshops

I offer free readings to community and membership leaders, podcast and retreat hosts, and anyone who wishes to share the gift of a collective message and live experience within the energy of the Akashic Records for their audience.

I offer paid custom teaching workshops on specific spirituality topics, based on what is of most interest and what I discern feels right as well.

You can reach out to me directly with your intentions and interest and timing, and we can work on planning it together.

What our clients are saying


“Oh Nikhi! It was so beautiful. I sat and did the visualization and prayer to open the records and your voice is SO gorgeous. SO many times during the retreat, I have found a laugh bubbling up (even in times when my conditioning tells me “now?”)- the energy of play is a part of my 2022 intentions too - it is such a healing medicine and I know an amazing way to deeply connect with my kids.

I am sitting here now smiling from ear to ear and just loving that session you channeled and feeling so grounded in play. I will use the message you shared yesterday as a source of strength to powerfully push back on rigidity and over-seriousness that shows up in me and my life.

I am so grateful that you were courageous enough to share your medicine with us.”


“I have been interested in Akashic Records for sometime and was excited when I saw Nikhi’s offering. The session helping me get clarity on the next steps in my healing journey. The experience was very uplifting and left me with a renewed sense of hope and optimism about the path I am on. I recommend Nikhi for anyone interested in diving deeper into their personal growth and spiritual journey.”


“It's been a few weeks since my session with Nikhi and I can still connect to her peaceful energy. As a Highly Sensitive Person recovering from Complex PTSD, feeling trust and safety in others' presence is a delicate journey for me. Nikhi provides this safe space to receive deeper messages, open up to my own messages, and receive a soulful and nourishing experience. I'm grateful for the gifts she brings and the care and love she shares so generously. Her grace, compassion, and intuitive power gives gentle and clear support as I live out my higher purpose.”


“My HD Design and Akashic Reading with Nikhi was like a warm hug to my soul and an elixir of activation for my spirit. I went in desiring a refresh of my HD and left the session mind blown in the BEST possible way. I felt so seen and expanded by all of the wisdom Nikhi shared. “This is the best investment I’ve made in myself all year” I said to Nikhi as we wrapped up our call. If any part of you is feeling pulled toward working with Nikhi in any capacity, I couldn’t speak higher praises for her medicine. Thank you Nikhi, so grateful for you.”


“I signed up for a session with Nikhi because I have worked with her before and her intuition is incredible. She is extremely gifted and I cannot recommend her enough! Nikhi's delivery of an intuitive human design reading is the perfect combination of information from my chart and messages from my Guides. I loved it!”


Unlock your magic within

Your soul is already thanking you for being here.

We operate on the traditional and ancestral lands of the Ohlone peoples, including the current-day Tamien Nation, Muwekma Ohlone Tribe.

We pay our respects to these ancestors and their history and wisdom, and seek their energetic support in our mission.  

To find out whose ancestral lands you stand on, visit: